All in Craft Beer Asia

Lessons Learned in Organising a Homebrew Competition

I recently had the opportunity to help organize the annual home-brew competition held by the Hong Kong Homebrewers' Association (HKHA) at the beginning of June.  It wasn't really my intention to fill that role, as I'd much rather just brew and enter beers, but sometimes things just turn out that way.  On the bright side, there's always something to be learned from a new challenge so in this post I'd like to point out a few things that I have gleaned from this experience.

Brewerism - Brewseum Taiwan

Taiwan is an island that has a reasonably developed craft beer scene.  My previous experience with Taiwan had only been a long-weekend trip to Taipei back in 2013, but I recently took a 4-day trip to southern Taiwan and it was in the unassuming town of Hengchun that my wife and I would stumble across a pleasant surprise for the craft beer lover.......3000 Brewzeum.